Betta Fish Overview and Care Taking Guide

One of the most popular and widely owned fish by fish keepers, the Betta Fish makes a great pet. Also known as the Siamese Fighting Fish, these creatures can be trained to do tricks! Below is our ohfishal overview of the Betta Fish species, as well as everything you need to know to care for these awesome fish in your own fish tank.

Basic Facts About Betta Fish

Siamese Fighting Fish
Scientific Family:Gourami
Number of Betta Fish Species Types:There are 70+ different types of Betta Fish. The most common is the b.splendens.
Average Life Span:Betta Fish typically live to be 3-5 years old. As with all fish, there can be some that live longer than the norm.
Typical Size:Most Betta Fish grow to be 3 inches.
Colors:Vibrant colors of all varieties! Different Bettas will also have different patterns of their colors.
Native To:Asia. Most commonly Thaliand, but also Vietnam and Cambodia. These are freshwater fish.
Water Conditions Needed:Temperature (Farenheit): 74-82 Degrees
PH Level: 7.0 (Neutral)
What Do Betta Fish Eat?:In the wild, they are insectivores. Typically they’ll feed on mosquitoe larvae, zoo plankton, and crustaceans. In your fish tank, you’ll likely feed them fish pellets or flakes. You can also feed them frozen foods like daphnia, brine shrimp, and bloodworms.
Fish-Keeping Experience Level:Beginner
Minimum Tank Size:1 Betta Fish can live in a tank as small as 2.5 gallons, but we recommend a minimum size of 5 or 10 gallons for 1 Betta Fish. If you’re going to add anything into the tank (which we also recommend), you should likely start with a minimum of 10 gallon fish tank.
Tank Accessory Requirements:If you live somewhere where it’s cold, you’d need a heater.
Compatibility – Other Species:Most times, Bettas are kept solo. However, you can pair them with other bottom feeders and docile species of fish, like guppies, Cory Catfish, and kuhli loaches. Betta Fish can also live with snails, ghost shrimp, and frogs.
Compatibility – Plants:Bettas love plants. The more plants, the better!
Compatibility – Do not Keep With These Species:Never put 2 Males in the same tank. It’s also not recommended to put 2 Betta Fish in the same tank (male or female) unless you are trying to breed them.
Can you breed them? Yes, you can breed Betta Fish, but you must alter certain aspects about your aquarium to make that happen.
Fun Fact:Double Fun Facts: Betta Fish will create “bubble nests” in your aquarium. In the wild, they build these nests for mating purposes. You can also train Betta Fish to do tricks, such as swim through hoops in your fish tank.
Most Betta Fish will cost less than $10.
fish touchdown

How will a Betta Fish behave in your aquarium?

Betta Fish may begin to recognize you, and will become excited when they see you. If they are paired with other of the same species, they can be very territorial. In a right sized tank, you can train them to follow your finger, or even swim through obstacles. They may build bubble nests or even breathe from the top of the tank via air at time. All in, especially with their bright colors, Betta Fish are entertaining.

How to acclimate your Betta Fish to your fish tank?

Step 1: Fill up your tank with tap water. Add water conditioner. Make sure you follow the instructions on the bottle of the water conditioner.

Step 2: Place the bag with the Betta Fish in it in your fish tank and let it float. Don’t open the bag yet. Let the bag float for about 15 minutes. Doing this will let the temperature of the water in the bag to match the temperature of the water in your aquarium.

Step 3: Once you’ve had the bag in the water for 15 minutes, cut a small hole in the bag (if there’s a metal clip, cut the hole right below the metal clip). Open the hole wide enough, and then pour in a cup of your aquarium water to the bag. Let this sit for 15 minutes, and then do it again.

Step 4: After the second round of adding the aquarium to your Betta Fish’s bag and letting it sit, release your Betta Fish into your aquarium!

Which Species Are Best To Pair With Your Betta Fish?

  • Number one rule here – do not pair a male betta fish with another male betta fish
  • Plants – Almost any type of freshwater aquarium plant will work here – but some of the most common are Betta Fish Balls, Anubias Plants, Java Ferns or Mosses, Amazon Frogbit, and Dwarf Hairgrass.
  • Most Bottom feeders
  • Cory Catfish
  • Kuhli Loaches
  • Guppies
  • Snails
  • Ghost Shrimp
  • Frogs

Ohfishal Betta Fish Tank Set Up

This is our ultimate checklist for a fish tank with a Betta Fish. Of course, you can do this with less parts, or different parts, but this is our all-in ohfishal recommendation. This set-up will run you around $60 (market prices will vary).

Frequently Asked Questions about Betta Fish

Do Betta Fish actually fight?

Yes. If a male is paired in a tank with another male, it’s a matter of time before they fight. Sometimes this in illegally intentionally done for gambling, but also by mistake by novice fish keepers. Please avoid placing a male with another male.

Can you breed Betta Fish?

Yes, but you’ll have to do a few things differently. You’ll need a separate tank from your normal tank for breeding. You’ll need to heat the breeding tank to at least 78 Degrees Fahrenheit. You’ll also need something for the surface to help convince the Bettas make bubble nests. Last thing, you’ll need to make sure you remove any gravel from your tank.

How often should I feed my Betta fish?

Ideally, you should feed your Betta Fish two times a day. Automated Fish Feeders are awesome to help with this process.

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