Aquarium Species

There are so many species that you can put into your fish tank. From saltwater and freshwater fish, to invertabrates, to plants, to corals, we’ve got you covered with our ohfishal breakdown of the most popular species for your aquarium.

  • Blue Tang Overview and Care Taking Guide
    Basic Facts About Blue Tangs Scientific Family: Paracanthurus Number of Blue Tang Species Types: 1. But the Blue Tang is cousins to 86 surgeonfish. Average Life Span: Blennies can live …

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  • Blenny Overview and Care Taking Guide
    Basic Facts About Blennies Scientific Family: Blenniiformes Number of Blenny Species Types: There are over 900 species types of Blennies. Average Life Span: Blennies can live between 1 and 10 …

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  • Corydoras Catfish Overview and Care Taking Guide
    This thorough analysis of the Corydoras Catfish will educate you about this amazing species and give you a complete how-to guide for caring for Corydoras in your own aquarium.
  • Platy Fish Overview and Care Taking Guide
    This analysis of the Platy will educate you about this amazing species and give you a complete how-to guide for caring for Platies in your own aquarium.
  • Anthias Overview and Care Taking Guide
    This thorough analysis of the Anthias will educate you and give you a complete how-to guide for caring for Anthias in your own aquarium.
  • Swordtail Fish Overview and Care Taking Guide
    This thorough analysis of the Swordtail will educate you about this amazing species, as well as give you a complete how-to guide for caring for Swordtails in your own aquarium.
  • Neon Tetra Overview and Care Taking Guide
    This thorough analysis of the Neon Tetra will educate you about this species and give you a complete how-to guide for caring for Neon Tetras in your own aquarium.
  • Guppy Fish Overview and Care Taking Guide
    This thorough analysis of the Guppy fish will educate you about this amazing species, as well as give you a complete how-to guide for caring for Gupipes in your own aquarium.
  • Molly Fish Overview and Care Taking Guide
    Basic Facts About Mollies Scientific Family: Poecilia Number of Molly Fish Species Types: There are roughly 40 individual species of Mollies within the Poecilia family. Nearly all fish within the …

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  • Oscar Fish Overview and Care Taking Guide
    One of the most popular and widely owned fish by freshwater fish keepers, Oscars make a great friends in your aquarium. This is our ohfishal overview of the Oscar Fish species, as well as everything you need to know to care for these awesome fish in your own fish tank.
  • Dottyback Overview and Care Taking Guide
    This thorough analysis of the Dottyback, also known as the Pseudochromis, will educate you about this amazing species, as well as give you a complete how-to guide for caring for Dottyback in your own aquarium.
  • Wrasse Overview and Care Taking Guide
    Our ohfishal overview of the wrasse species, as well as everything you need to know to care for these awesome fish in your own fish tank.
  • Goby Overview and Care Taking Guide
    With both freshwater and saltwater Gobies, there are actually more than 2000 different Goby specie types and they make great additions to your aquarium! Below is our ohfishal overview of the Goby species, as well as everything you need to know to care for these awesome fish in your own fish tank.
  • Betta Fish Overview and Care Taking Guide
    Our ohfishal overview of the betta fish species, as well as everything you need to know to care for these awesome fish in your own fish tank.
  • Clownfish Overview and Care Taking Guide
    Our ohfishal overview of the clownfish species, as well as everything you need to know to care for these awesome fish in your own fish tank.
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