Nathan Healy

I'm an avid adventurer, and I once caught a fish in my swimsuit. You could say it was nothing but love from there on out. I'm relatively new to the saltwater fish keeping game, but I'm sharing the lessons as I learn them.

Oscar Fish Overview and Care Taking Guide

One of the most popular and widely owned fish by freshwater fish keepers, Oscars make a great friends in your aquarium. This is our ohfishal overview of the Oscar Fish species, as well as everything you need to know to care for these awesome fish in your own fish tank.

Best Aquarium LED Lights of 2020

We reviewed the best fish tank LED lights for all different use cases. Our top picks offer unique features and aspects that make them capable of covering your fish keeping needs.

Goby Overview and Care Taking Guide

With both freshwater and saltwater Gobies, there are actually more than 2000 different Goby specie types and they make great additions to your aquarium! Below is our ohfishal overview of the Goby species, as well as everything you need to know to care for these awesome fish in your own fish tank.

Best Fish Tanks of 2020

In order to keep fish, you have to have somewhere for them to live. Arguably the most important piece of your fish keeping equipment, we’ve researched and reviewed a variety of fish tanks to make our ohfishal recommendations.

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